Brian D. Marx
Professor | Graduate Advisor | Editor Statistical Modelling
Department of Experimental Statistics
Room 141 Martin D Woodin Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5606 USA
Telephone: +1 225 578-8366
Fax: +1 225 578-8344
Email: bmarx *at* lsu *dot* edu
Expert Statistical Consultant
Statistical Consulting Services, LLC
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for Information, Experience, and Contact
Research Interests
- Penalized B-spline smoothing: P-splines
- Signal Regression and Chemometrics
- Varying Coefficient Models
- Generalized Linear Models, Generalized Additive Models
- Ill-Conditioned Data, Biased Estimation, Penalized Likelihood
- Generalized Estimating Equations
Books, Software, Journal
Practical Smoothing: The Joys of P-splines (2021). Paul H.C. Eilers and Brian D. Marx. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Order here
Book website:
Playgrounds, Examples, R Code, Figures, Data sets, Errata here
R Package: The Joys of P-splines (JOPS), available on CRAN, by Paul H.C. Eilers and Brian D. Marx.
The JOPS Package Documentation
here. Download the package from CRAN.
The JOPSplus Package Documentation
here. Download the package
Regression Methods, Models and Applications, 2nd Ed
(2021). Ludwig Fahrmeir, Thomas Kneib, Stefan Lang, and Brian D. Marx.
Order here
Examples, Data sets, Software, Errata here
Sage Handbook of Multilevel Modeling
(2013). Marc A. Scott, Jeffrey S. Simonoff, and Brian D. Marx (Editors). Sage.
Statistical Modelling
Coordinating Editor for Statistical Modelling: An International Journal
Short Course on The Joys of P-splines
Courses Available, please contact: bmarx *at* lsu *dot* edu
[Previously titled, The Craft of
Smoothing ]
Preface and Course Outline
Course Software and Demos (Requires JOPS on CRAN)
Course (to be) presented:
- Technical University Dortmund, Germany,
(July 5-6, 2021)
- University of Goettingen, Germany,
(July 19-20, 2019)
- University of Southampton, United Kingdom,
(July 10-11, 2017)
- University of Goettingen, Germany,
(August 4-5, 2016)
- DAGStat German Statistical Meeting, Freiburg, Germany,
(March 18, 2013)
- Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
(July, 2012)
- University of Innsbruck, Austria
(July, 2019)
- Irish Statistical Society, Dublin, Ireland,
(October 2-3, 2009)
- Conference on Regression Models, Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo,
Brazil (February 21-23, 2005)
- Joint American Statistical Association Meetings, Toronto,
Ontario, August 9, 2004
- Inernational Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Leuven, Belgium,
July 6, 2003
- ENAR Biometrics Meeting, Tampa, Florida, March 30, 2003
Selected Articles
- Multivariate Calibration on Hetrogeneous Samples. Journal of Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab Systems,
(2021) (with B. Li et al.). [PDF]
- Multivariate Calibration with Robust Signal Regression. Statistical Modelling,
(2020) (with B. Li et al.). [PDF]
- Twenty Years of P-splines. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions,
(2016) (with P. Eilers and Maria Durban). [PDF]
- Varying-coefficient single-index signal regression. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab Systems,
doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2015.02.005, (2015). [PDF]
- Multidimensional single-index signal regression. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab Systems,
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2011.08.006, (2011) (with P. Eilers and B. Li). [PDF]
- Splines, knots and penalties Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics (2010) (with P. Eilers)
- P-spline varying coefficient models for complex data. (2010) : Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures–
Festschrift in Honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir (Eds. T.Kneib & G.Tutz). Physica-Verlag. [PDF]
- Bilinear modulation models for seasonal tables of counts. Statistics and Computing, 20(2): 191-202,
(2009) (with P. Eilers, J. Gampe, R.Rau). [PDF]
- Multivariate calibration with single-index signal regression. Chemometrics and Intelligent Lab Systems,
96 : 196-202, (2009) (with P. Eilers and B. Li). [PDF]
- Sharpening penalized signal regression. Statistical Modelling,
8 (4): 367-383, (2008) (with Bin Li). [PDF]
- Modulation models for seasonal incidence tables. Statistics in Medicine,
27 (17): 3430-3441, (2008) (with P. Eilers, J. Gampe, R. Rau). [PDF]
- Space-varying coefficient models for brain imaging. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,
51 : 6212-6228, (2007) (with S. Heim, L. Fahrmeir, P. Eilers). [PDF]
- Multidimensional penalized signal regression. Technometrics,
47 (1): 13-22, (2005) (with Paul Eilers). [PDF]
- Multidimensional calibration with temperature interaction using
two-dimensional penalized signal regression. Chemometrics and
Lab Sys, 66: 159-174, (2003) (with P Eilers). [PDF]
- Generalized linear additive smooth structures. Journal of
Computational and Graphical Statistics, 11(4), 758-783,
(with Paul Eilers). [PDF]
- Multivariate calibration stability: a comparison of methods. Journal
of Chemometrics, 16, 1-12, (2002) (with Paul Eilers). [PDF]
- Generalized linear regression for sampled signals or curves:
A P-spline approach, Technometrics, 41(1): 1-13,
(with Paul Eilers). [PDF]
- Direct generalized additive modeling with penalized likelihood, Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 28(2):
193-209, (1998) (with Paul Eilers). [PDF]
- Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties (with comments
and rejoinder), Statistical Science, 11(2): 89-121,
(1996) (with Paul Eilers) [PDF]
- Iteratively reweighted partial least squares estimation for
generalized linear regression, Technometrics, 38(4):
374-381, (1996). [PDF]
- Collinearity in generalized linear regression, Communications
in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 22 (7): 1933-1952,
(with Emmanuel Lesaffre) [PDF]
- A continuum of principal component generalized linear
regressions, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 13:
385-393. (1992). [PDF]
- Principal component estimation for generalized linear regression,
Biometrika, 77(1): 23-31, (1990) (with Eric Smith). [PDF]
- Weighted multicollinearity in logistic regression: diagnostics
and biased estimation techniques with an example from lake
acidification, CJFAS, 47 (6): 1128-35 (1990) (with Eric
Smith). [PDF]
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