Bei (Jenny) Guo
of Experimental Statistics
Guo, B., Zang, Y. (2021).
BILITE: A Bayesian Phase II Design for Immunotherapy by Jointly Modeling the
Longitudinal Immune Response and Time-to-event Efficacy. Statistics in
Medicine, In Press.
Guo, B., Garrett, L., and
Liu, S. (2021). A Bayesian Phase I/II Design for Clinical Trials Combining an
Immunotherapeutic Agent with a Chemotherapeutic Agent. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society: Series C, In Press.
Guo, B. and Liu, S. (2020).
An optimal Bayesian predictive probability design for phase II clinical trials
with simple and complicated endpoints. Biometrical Journal, In Press.
Zang, Y., Guo, B., Han, Y., Cao, S., Zhang, C. (2019). A Bayesian
adaptive marker-stratified design for molecularly targeted agents with
customized hierarchical modeling. Statistics in Medicine, (38): 2883-2896.
Guo, B., Park, Y., and Liu, S.
(2019). A Utility-based Bayesian phase I/II Design for
immunotherapy trials with progression-free survival endpoint. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society: Series C, (68): 411-425.
Guo, B., Zang, Y. (2019). A
Bayesian Adaptive Phase II Clinical Trial Design Accounting for Spatial
Variation. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, (28): 3187-3204.
Guo, B., Li, D., and Yuan, Y.
(2018). SPIRIT: A Seamless Phase I/II Randomized Design for Immunotherapy
Trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics, (17): 527-540.
Liu, S., Guo, B., and Yuan, Y. (2018). A Bayesian Phase I/II Trial
Design for Immunotherapy. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
(113): 1016-1027.
Dale, R., and Guo, B. (2018). Estimating epidemiological
parameters of a stochastic differential model of HIV dynamics using
hierarchical Bayesian statistics. PLOS ONE. 13(7):e0200126. doi:
Zang, Y. and Guo, B. (2018). Optimal two-stage enrichment design
correcting for biomarker misclassification. Statistical Methods in Medical
Research, (27): 35-47.
Guo, B. and Liu, S. (2017).
Optimal Benchmark for Evaluating Drug-combination Dose-finding Clinical Trials.
Statistics in Biosciences, 10(1): 184-201.
Guo, B. and Yuan, Y. (2017).
Bayesian Phase I/II Biomarker-based Dose Finding for Precision Medicine with
Molecularly Targeted Agents. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
(112): 508-520.
Guo, B. and Yuan, Y. (2017).
A comparative review of methods for comparing means using partially paired
data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(3): 1323-1340.
Yuan, Y., Guo, B., Munsell, M., Lu,
Karen, Jazaeri, A. (2016). MIDAS: a practical
Bayesian design for platform trials with immunotherapy agents. Statistics in
Medicine, (22): 3892-3906.
Zang, Y. and Guo, B. (2016). Two-stage methods to implement and
analyze the biomarker-guided clinical trial designs in the presence of
biomarker misclassification. Precision Medicine, 2: e1230. doi: 10.14800/pm.1230.
Guo, B., Zang, Y., and Yuan,
Y. (2015). A Bayesian phase I/II clinical trial design in the presence of
informative dropouts. Statistics and Its Interface, (8): 217-226.
Guo, B. and Yuan, Y. (2015).
A Bayesian dose-finding design for phase I/II clinical trials with
non-ignorable dropouts. Statistics in Medicine, (34): 1721-1732.
Guo, B., Li, Y. and Yuan, Y.
(2015). A dose-schedule-finding design for phase I/II clinical trials. Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, (65): 259-272.
Guo, B. and Li, Y. (2015).
Bayesian dose-finding designs for combination of
molecularly targeted agents assuming partial stochastic ordering. Statistics in
Medicine, (34): 859-875.
Guo, B. and Li, Y. (2014).
Bayesian designs of phase II oncology trials to select maximum effective dose
assuming monotonic dose-response relationship. BMC Medical Research
Methodology, 14:95.
Guo, B., Villagran,
A., Vannucci, M., Wang, J., Davis, C., Man, T., Lau,
C. and Guerra, R. (2010). Bayesian estimation of genomic copy number with
single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping arrays. BMC
Research Notes, 3:350.
Xie, Y., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2021). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of
Radiotherapy Techniques for Whole Breast Irradiation. PLOS ONE. In press.
Xie, Y., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2020). Cost-effectiveness analysis of
advanced radiotherapy techniques for post-mastectomy breast cancer patients.
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation. In Press
Xie, Y., Bourgeois, D., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2020). Comparison of
conventional and advanced radiotherapy techniques for left-sided breast cancer
after breast conserving surgery. Medical Dosimetry. In Press.
Pandey, A., Yoganathan, A., Guo, B.,
Zhang, R. (2019). Feasibility of generating synthetic CT from T1-weighted MRI
using a linear mixed-effects regression model. Biomedical Physics &
Engineering Express. In Press.
Xie, Y., Bourgeois, D., Guo, B., Zhang, R. (2019). Post-mastectomy
radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer patients: comparison of advanced
techniques. Medical Dosimetry. In Press.
Bakhit, P., Osman, O., Guo,
B., Ishak, S. (2018). A Distraction Index for Quantification of
Driver Eye Glance Behavior: A Study Using SHRP2 NEST Database. Journal of
Safety Science.
Zhang, R., Heins, D., Sanders, M., Guo, B.,
Hogstrom, K. (2018). Evaluation of a mixed beam therapy for post-mastectomy
breast cancer patients: bolus electron conformal therapy combined with
intensity modulated photon radiotherapy and volumetric modulated photon arc
therapy. Medical Physics. DOI: 10.1002/mp.12958.
Bakhit, P., Guo, B., Ishak, S. (2018). Crash and Near-Crash Risk Assessment of
Distracted Driving and Engagement in Secondary Tasks: A Naturalistic Driving
Study. Journal of the Transportation Research Board. DOI:
Heppner, W., Spears, C., Fernandez, V., Castro, Y., Li, Y., Guo, B.,
Reitzel, L., Vidrine, J., Mazas, C., Woerpel, L., Cinciripini, P., Ahluwalia, J., Wetter, D. (2016).
Dispositional Mindfulness Predicts Enhanced Smoking Cessation and Smoking Lapse
Recovery. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. (50) 337-347.
Xu, W., Chafi, H., Guo, B., Heymsfield, S., Murray, K. Zheng, J., Jia,
G. (2016). Quantitative Comparison of Two Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
(DXA) Systems in Assessing Body Composition and Bone Mineral Measurements.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 19(3) 298-304.
Chafi, H., Elias, S.,
Nguyen, H., Friel, H., Knopp,
M., Guo, B., Heymsfield, S., Jia, G. (2015). Effect of parallel radiofrequency
transmission on arterial input function selection in dynamic contrast-enhanced 3 Tesla Pelvic MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
(43) 229-235.
Shah, Z., Elias, S., Abaza, R., Zynger, D., DeRenne, L., Knopp, M., Guo, B.,
Schurr, R., Heymsfield, S.,
Jia, G. (2015). Performance Comparison of 1.5-T Endorectal Coil MRI with 3.0-T Nonendorectal
Coil MRI in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Academic Radiology, 22(4) 467-474.
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