`Ͻ 1""2"2SAS FILEBANKS DATA 9/gA9/gA 8.0202M0WIN_PROWIN9Њw\Њw\Њw\   0 8 $\ ,2 * 4 4 Q|a?Calhoun Bank and Trust ctory L F%u?State Savings Bank Th&S?National Savings and Trustem. I am not sure if this is really necessary? 1 2Basic review of SAS Language elements. INFILE, INPUT, SET, IF-THEN-ELSE statements. SAS dates, functions, informat, and formats should be reviewed, including SAS date constants. 1 3Review of DATA step compilation and execution. RENAME=, DROP=, KEEP= data set options should be discussed. DROP= and KEEP= on DATA and SET statements should be depicted. LENGTH statement as well. 1 EChapter one exercises. None. 2 1Output of multiple observations. Using a SET statement. 2 2Conditional output. SELECT statements are a good idea in my opinion. I like showing students an alternative to IF-THEN-ELSE statements. However, I would like to keep conditional output separate from conditional input.2 3Output to an external file. Why not try to keep all of the output-related topics together? 2 EChapter two exercises. Exercises after every section. 3 1List input. Discussion should include MISSOVER, DSD, and multiple delimiters. 3 2Complex input. @, @@, relative line pointer controls. I would like to include a quasi-hierarchical file. 3 EChapter three exercises. Exercises after every section. 4 1Character manipulations. SUBS  $(,> DATASTEPNameRate,  0(G    Q