/* Below are the names of historic figures from the field of statistics. 1) Using SAS, sort and print the names alphabetically by LAST name. 2) Using SAS, find and print any name that contains the series of letters "Wil". 3) Using SAS, sort and print these names in random order. 4) Using SAS, sort and print these names in order of birthdate. Format the date with 9 characters such as 04Jul1776; 5) Using SAS, randomly select 8 of these names. Make sure you use a seed. */ dm"log;clear;output;clear"; options ps=256 ls=99 nocenter nodate nonumber nolabel; OPTIONS FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*"; TITLE1 'First SAS Problem - Spring 2007'; libname output 'C:\Geaghan\EXST\_SasChallenge'; DATA HistoricNames; length name $ 30; infile cards missover; Input obs DOB_Mo DOB_Day DOB_Year name $ 29-58; sasdate = mdy(DOB_Mo,DOB_Day,DOB_Year); *---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7; Datalines; run; 1 2 8 1700 Daniel Bernoulli 2 . . 1702 Thomas Bayes 3 4 30 1777 Carl Friedrich Gauss 4 5 12 1820 Florence Nightingale 5 2 16 1822 Sir Francis Galton 6 3 27 1857 Karl Pearson 7 9 10 1863 Charles Spearman 8 6 13 1876 William Sealey Gosset 9 10 20 1881 George Waddell Snedecor 10 2 17 1890 Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher 11 1 28 1892 Carlo Emilio Bonferroni 12 9 2 1892 Frank Wilcoxon 13 6 29 1893 Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis 14 4 16 1894 Jerzy Neyman 15 8 11 1895 Egon Sharpe Pearson 16 11 28 1898 John Wishart 17 1 13 1900 Gertrude Mary Cox 18 10 14 1900 William Edwards Deming 19 5 12 1902 Frank Yates 20 4 25 1903 Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov 21 6 17 1906 Samuel Stanley Wilks 22 7 15 1909 William Gemmell Cochran 23 8 23 1909 Florence Nightingale David 24 6 16 1915 John Wilder Tukey 25 11 20 1917 Leonard Jimmie Savage 26 1 31 1919 Oscar Kempthorne ; proc sort; by name; run; proc print; run; RUN;