Information related to the EXST7087 class.  I will add to this page periodically, always adding near the top of the page. 

As you know, this is the first time I have taught a class this way. I hope it is working for you. There are still a number of details to be worked out, some of which are discussed below. I have also a little info on how things are going on this end.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

1) In answser to previous questions, I plan to leave the streaming video lectures up all semester.  I will not remove them unless we get short of space or the system gets over worked. 

2) I have stopped recording the answers to the daily quiz.  I will post the written answers soon after class unless we have a quiz.  The reason is I have too much trouble with recording.  If it becomes more "reliable" I may resume recording. 

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

1) We are 5 lectures into the class and I thought you might be interested in what is happening here. I have had 2 days during which I could not record the lectures. I had 1 day during which I had some difficulty, but got the lectures recorded. I had one day where the classroom projector failed and I lost 15 minutes waiting for a portable projector to be installed. I had 1 day were everything worked perfectly. I spent most of the day yesterday trying to figure out why problems occur and how to avoid them. I still have one lecture section to record for the Internet. I will do that today. I appreciate your patience on this, eventually I feel I will master this thing.

2) On the daily quizzes, I have yet to roll a 6. There is some confusion as to procedures. What I had envisioned is that on the day of a quiz I would email everyone, but I do not believe that I have a set of reliable email addresses yet. I have email addresses that LSU provides, but most that have sent email are not using the LSU PAWS address, and probably have no interest in doing so. I recommend that you set up the PAWS account to forward email to your regular account. I would like to have one file with everyone's email. I will settle for 20 individual emails, but it would be easier for me if I could get one comprehensive list of emails.

3) I would be willing to forgo the quiz for distance students, and just grade the course on the basis of the remaining 600 points. I do not know how many of you would prefer this; I will need to know who would like to participate and who does not plan to participate. When I roll a 6 I will not post an answer on the quiz web page that day. In the spot where I usually post an answer I will advise that we had a quiz. I will also mention it on the streaming video page. A day or two later I will post the answer. In the interim anyone interested in doing the quiz should email me his or her answer.

4) The TA's for the class are two very nice young ladies who are fully aware of the delays in getting SAS installed and who know that many of you travel and may be late with Lab assignments. They will try to work with you on this. However, it is important that no one miss a lab altogether because this will adversely affect your grade. Please email your labs directly to either Lisa ( or Sasha (

5) The test dates are on the syllabus. The first exam is on Thursday, February 19, 2004. If you need to take it a few days late that is no problem. However, I'd like Thursday exams taken no later than Monday because I return them in Tuesday's class. The tests will be emailed to Jane Brown who will make arrangements for printing and administering the exams. She will FedEx the completed exams back to me.